New Foundation Presidents as of April 2022 – Imme Scholz and Jan Philipp Albrecht elected with large majority

Berlin, 4 April 2021 – On Saturday, 4 December 2021, the Members’ Assembly of the Green Party-affiliated Heinrich Böll Foundation has elected Prof. Dr. Imme Scholz and Jan Philipp Albrecht with a large majority as new Foundation Presidents. The duo will take office as of 1 April 2022 and 1 June 2022, respectively. The terms of the current presidents, Barbara Unmüßig and Dr. Ellen Ueberschär, will end as scheduled on 31 March 2022; Steffen Heizmann will stay on as the Foundation‛s CEO.
With its vote, the Members‛ Assembly endorsed the recommendations of the Foundation‛s Supervisory Board that had nominated the two candidates. On the occasion, Andrea Hoops and Alexander Müller as speakers of the Supervisory Board stated:
"We are delighted to have found in Imme Scholz and Jan Philipp Albrecht an exceptionally knowledgeable new duo of Presidents. Imme Scholz, as a scientist with outstanding networks and international experience, combines this, through her role as Deputy Director of the German Development Institute, with profound insights into regional and global developments and with a high degree of hands-on experience. For many years, Imme Scholz has been a dedicated, highly knowledgeable contributor to the Foundation‛s Members‛ Assembly and Expert Committees on issues to do with global sustainable development and international politics. Jan Philipp Albrecht‛s career in academia as well as in the political sphere has demonstrated his knowledge and skills in domestic and European politics, and also in areas such as digitalisation, agricultural, energy, environmental and climate policy. Jan Philipp Albrecht, too, has long-standing ties to the Foundation, starting with a scholarship and, subsequently, as an expert liaison while he was serving as a member of the European Parliament, and also as part of the Foundation‛s Member‛s Assembly.
We would like to thank Barbara Unmüßig and Ellen Ueberschär very much for their many years of service during which they tirelessly and successfully managed to lead, develop and heighten the Foundation‛s profile during difficult times."
After being elected, Imme Scholz stated: "Today, the social and environmental transformation requires decisive action, as well as unwavering commitment to long-term objectives that need to be pursued by forming broad-based social and political alliances – be it within Germany, the EU, or globally. Towards this goal, the Foundation with its pool of highly skilled people as well as through its networks, will make an important contribution. I am delighted that, together with Jan Philipp, I will be responsible for these activities in the future."
Jan Philipp Albrecht stated: "Coping with the climate crisis, the challenges presented by digitalisation, and the momentous and sweeping overhaul of society, infrastructure and our economy, will ring in a change that is millennial in scope. In the briefest of times, technologies and economies that have been around for centuries will need to be replaced and, at the same time, all of us will have to say good-bye to time-honoured habits. For this, and regarding the imminent new beginnings in German politics, the Foundation will have to be, at once, a mediator and a pioneer. I am looking forward to tackling these challenges jointly with Imme Scholz."
The Heinrich Böll Foundation, affiliated with the German Green Party, is a recognised player in political education in Germany as well as abroad. Our Conference Centre, located in Berlin‛s vibrant Mitte district, is an important location for political debate, international encounters, and cultural events. With its 34 international offices, the Foundation and its network of partners is promoting democratic actors in all parts of the world. The main focus of our activities is on social and environmental transformation, a just and peaceful world order, social participation, gender equity, human rights, and democracy. For more information, please visit
Media contact
Heinrich Böll Foundation
Michael Alvarez Kalverkamp
+49 (0) 30-28534-202