We are looking for cartoonists and artists with interest and/ or proven experience/knowledge in the field of governance and management of natural resources, especially phosphate, in Senegal.

Call for Applications
Cartoons on Phosphate in Senegal
Who we are:
The Heinrich Böll Foundation Afrique du Nord-RABAT (hbs) is part of the Green political movement. Our mandate is civic and political education, and we are working on ecology and sustainability, democracy and human rights. We focus particularly on ‘gender equality’ which guarantees social emancipation and equal rights for all.
We are looking for : Cartoonists and artists with interest and or proven experience/knowledge in the field of governance and management of natural resources, especially phosphate, in Senegal.
Objective of the cartoons:
The report on phosphate in Senegal should provide comprehensive insight into the current challenges highlighting the weaknesses and strengths of the governance system in place. At the same time, it should also contribute to the debate and provide to the Senegalese public an insight into the challenges and regulatory barriers, but also potential strategies for a participatory phosphate management in Senegal with an artistic approach.
The cartoons should be done in color, but in a way that they can be also reproduced in black and white. The language of the cartoons is supposed to be informative, precise and facilitating the understanding of the topic to non-experts. Illustrations should be gender sensitive.
Complete application documents should be submitted by 1st October 2018 : E.mail : soufyane.fares@ma.boell.org
(CV, Methodology, example of cartoons proposal, financial proposal, Timeline)
NB: The projects keep confidentiality and do not use cartoons submitted by candidates who have not been selected.
For more informations, see TdRs here : TdR: cartoon phosphate Senegal